Dr. Jim Procter
Ehemalig. wiss. Mitarbeiter
Dr. Procter worked with Prof. Dr. Torda on algorithms for the assignment of protein nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, the comparison of protein structure, and most recently, the development of methods and materials for improving the prediction of protein structure from sequence. He now works with the Barton Bioinformatics research group within the School of Life Sciences at the University of Dundee, developing tools for bioinformatics visualization and analysis based on 'Jalview'.
His contribution to education at the ZBH included lectures on protein structure classification and comparison, and the development of exercises for the analysis and modelling of protein structure.
Research at the ZBH
My work in Hamburg involved the construction of libraries for protein structure prediction using wurst by applying methods for automated classification of protein structure based on consistent sequence-structure relations. Other projects included the generation and refinement of low resolution homology models using methods from distance geometry (MODELLER) and molecular mechanics (TINKER).Some of these projects resulted in publications which are listed below, and in the Torda Group's publication list .
I also conspired with Dr Kevan Willey in order to provide supervision for two fourth semester research projects investigating the relation between amino acid burial and contact environment, and the variation of amino acid periodicity in transmembrane helices.
Willey, KP, Obermann, H, Procter, JB Molecular bioinformatics of receptor binding and activation in GPCRs in Drug Discovery, ed K. Lundstrom and M. Chiu, 2005 CRC Press, Boca Alton.