News15. November 2024|AMD NewsZwei Awards für AG Rarey auf der GCC 2024Foto: Emanuel EhmkiWir freuen uns, dass unsere Arbeit an chemischen Fragmenträumen auf der GCC mit zwei Preisen der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker e.V. ausgezeichnet...1. Oktober 2024|ZBH NewsProf. Dr. Matthias Rarey erhält den Herman Skolnik Award 2025Foto: privatDie Division of Chemical Information der American Chemical Society würdigt Herrn Prof. Dr. Matthias Rarey vom Zentrum für Bioinformatik des...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal MIN14. Juni 2024|AMD NewsNew Paper: Database-Driven Identification of Structurally Similar Protein-Protein InterfacesFoto: Christiane EhrtExamining the similarity between interfaces of protein-protein complexes can provide valuable insights into protein functions and assist in drug...30. Mai 2024|AMD NewsNew Paper: SiteMine: Large-scale binding site similarity searching in protein structure databasesFoto: Thorben ReimDrug discovery and design pose various challenges such as drug repurposing, analysis of protein-ligand and protein-protein complexes, ligand...22. Februar 2024|BM NewsNew Paper: Differentiable partition function calculation for RNAIf you are clever, you can optimise RNA sequences as if they were smooth, continuous objects. If you are even cleverer, you can optimise parameters as...20. Dezember 2023|AMD NewsNew Paper: Redocking the PDBFoto: Florian FlachsenbergRedocking the PDB - How to get an honest estimate on docking success rate? Docking tools are usually evaluated on relatively small subselections of...7. November 2023|AMD NewsNew Paper: Full Modification Control over Retrosynthetic Routes for Guided Optimization of Lead StructuresFoto: Uschi DolfusSynthesizability is essential for compounds designed in silico. Regardless, synthetic accessibility is often considered only as an afterthought in the...6. November 2023|AMD NewsNew Paper: Searching similar local 3D micro-environments in protein structure databases with MicroMinerFoto: Jochen SiegInterested in the structural change induced by single mutations? MicroMiner is a new tool that provides large-scale data on the structural details of...31. August 2023|AMD NewsNew Paper: LifeSoaks: a tool for analyzing solvent channels in protein crystals and obstacles for soaking experimentsFoto: Jonathan Pletzer-ZelgertDue to the geometric complexity of protein structures, solvent-filled channels and cavities are omnipresent in their crystal arrangements. These...8. Juni 2023|AMD NewsReview: Navigating large chemical spaces in early-phase drug discoveryFoto: Malte KornThe use of chemical spaces for drug discovery has become a major focus in the scientific community, highlighting their growing importance. This review...5. Mai 2023|AMD NewsNew Paper: Binding Site Detection Remastered: Enabling Fast, Robust, and Reliable Binding Site Detection and Descriptor Calculation with DoGSite3Foto: Joel GraefDetecting binding sites in protein and nucleic acid structures is a crucial starting point for structure-based investigations for enzyme function...11. April 2023|AMD NewsNew Paper: Modeling with Alternate Locations in X-ray Protein StructureFoto: Toben GutermuthCrystallographic protein structures sometimes contain multiple conformations of side chains, ligands or even larger protein parts like flexible loops...22. Dezember 2022|AMD NewsNew Paper: Galileo: Three-dimensional searching in large combinatorial fragment spaces on the example of pharmacophoresFoto: Christian MeyenburgChemical fragment spaces contain billions of molecules. This makes the process of searching them for bioactive compounds computationally challenging...30. Oktober 2022|AMD NewsNew Paper: Small molecule superposition: A comprehensive overview on pose scoring of the latest methodsFoto: Sophia HönigThe superposition of small molecules is still one of the main pillars of ligand-based drug discovery. It is a standard technique in molecular modeling...19. Oktober 2022|AMD NewsGCB 2023 in HamburgFoto: GCBWir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass die DECHEMA und die Universität Hamburg die German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB) 2023 auf dem...30. September 2022|AMD NewsNew Paper: Visualizing Generic Reaction PatternsFoto: Uschi DolfusComputer-readable generic reaction schemes are a fundamental technique in the in silico drug design process. Due to their complexity and the richness...23. August 2022|AMD NewsNew Paper: AMD group presents FastGrowFoto: Patrick PennerTogether with our colaboration partners Servier and BioSolveIT we are happy to present FastGrow, an index-based rapid fragment growing for...27. Juli 2022|AMD NewsNew Paper: Synthesis-Aware Generation of Structural AnaloguesFoto: Uschi DolfusSynthesizability is still one of the main obstacles of drug candidates designed in silico. Computer-aided synthesis planning methods try to tackle...29. Juni 2022|AMD NewsProf. Rarey im Interview mit ACS c&en über Chemical Space TechnologieDie Juni-Ausgabe des News-Journals c&en der Amerikanischen Chemischen Gesellschaft (ACS) berichtet über die Navigation im chemischen Raum für die...3. Juni 2022|AMD NewsNew Paper: Calculating and Optimizing Physicochemical Property Distributions of Large Combinatorial Fragment SpacesFoto: Louis BellmannLarge collections of compounds are nowadays given in a combinatorial fashion since they are too large to be presented in an enumerated way...Zum Archiv